Nightwish joutui perumaan Suomen keikkoja seuranneen Norjan keikan 22.6. Keikka oli samalla bändin viimeinen ennen taukoa.
Syynä oli raskaana olevan laulajan Floor Jansenin uupuminen. Kiertueen rasitus kävi liian suureksi.
Nyt Floor tiedottaa kahden seuraavan soolokeikkansa peruuntumisesta. Hollannin keikat 6.7. (Baarn) ja 8.7. Bloemendaal) jäävät väliin ja syy on edelleen sama – kolme viikkoa sitten uupumus iski niin pahasti, että Floor vietiin ambulanssilla sairaalaan.
Vauvalla ja äidillä oli kaikki kunnossa, mutta uupumus esti työnteon.
Nyt, kolme viikkoa myöhemmin, tilanne on edelleen vaikea, ja Floor joutuu asettamaan oman ja lapsensa terveyden etusijalle. Soolokeikat jäävät nyt väliin.
”With great regret, I have to cancel my shows on the 6th and 8th of July. The reason is that my health is not good enough to responsibly perform the shows. I became exhausted after my last show with Nightwish in Finland. So much so that I collapsed and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. There, the doctors determined that my baby is healthy and I don’t have any serious illnesses. However, I was so fatigued that continuing to work is no longer an option. The show with Nightwish in Oslo had to be canceled as a result of this. That was 3 weeks ago. I had hoped that I would be able to rebuild enough energy to still perform those wonderful solo shows in the Netherlands. But unfortunately, that’s not the case. To ensure the health of both myself and my unborn baby, I need to rest and focus entirely on my recovery and the final phase of my pregnancy.
Canceling a show breaks my heart! It’s a decision I definitely don’t take lightly. But I hope to welcome you back to one of my shows in the near future! In good health. For now, I will temporarily bid farewell to the public stage and promise to take good care of myself and my little one”.
Floor Jansen / Instagram