1980-luvun brittiläinen suosikkikoomikko Tracey Ullman tekee paluun Britanniassa BBC Onen kuusioisaisessa sarjassa The Tracey Ullman Show.
Ullman lähti 1980-luvun puolivälissä valloittamaan Amerikan tv-markkinoita.
”It’s a privilege to be doing this. I still feel as inspired to inhabit people as I did when I was six, standing on the windowsill in my mother’s bedroom, putting on a show. The BBC has changed a bit since the last time I worked here, when it was all men in bow ties who had completed National Service. Now there are a lot more women. Great ones. The important things haven’t changed, though. The BBC still provides an environment that allows you to the freedom to create the best shows possible”, toteaa Ullman.