Tuoreessa radiohaastattelussa (Lochlin Cross, Edmonton/100.3 The Bear radio station) AC/DC:n Angus Young kommentoi tuoreen albumin nimeä, Rock Or Bust.
Youngin mukaan bändi on aina mennyt täysillä omaa tietään kulkien, välittämättä muiden kommenteista. Kaikki peliin! Rock Or Bust.
”The title pretty much sums up AC/DC. I mean, whatever we did, it was a case of, you went for broke. And that’s how it’s always been. It’s been the way of the band for a long time. I mean, when people would say, ’You should be doing this,’ we did (something else). When (they would say) ’You should be doing this,’ we did it our way. We stuck to our guns. That’s always how we’ve been. So ’Rock Or Bust’ sums us up. Go for broke.”